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Educational Philosophy

Our curriculum aims to develop both comprehensive knowledge and skills. We familiarize students with the basics of Tanach, Torah Sheb’al Peh, Halacha, Jewish Philosophy and belief, and Mussar and help them develop the ability for independent study all of these fields in depth.

Talmud is the mainstay of our curriculum. Morning seder focuses on iyun skills which include textual sensitivity and analytical proficiency. Our methodology develops a student’s ability to notice textual nuances and identify central conceptual issues and use both to appreciate each sugya. Students are enabled to the point where they can prepare and present a sugya. Chaburot like this are presented by each student.

During afternoon seder we offer a bekiut program meant to solidify reading skills. The program consists of an hour of chavruta preparation followed by a reading session where boys read for rabbonim who make corrections and comment on the gemara being learned. These sessions, not only cover over 100 pages of gemara annually, but also sharpen reading ability

At night seder most boys study additional Talmud with an older chavruta.

Curriculum Makeup

The yeshiva offers a large number of shiurim in subjects other than Gemara and helps talmidim build a schedule most appropriate to them. Although the average boy will generally spend a high percentage of his time (around 80%) on Talmud, there are many who devote up to half their time to other subjects. As a hesder yeshiva which includes over five years of Israeli students, the yeshiva offers a wide array of levels in each field of study. Before students know enough Hebrew to allow for integration, they are offered three levels of Gemara shiur- ranging from a basic gemara focused level to one that deals with analytical issues on a very advanced level.

Talmud is the mainstay of our curriculum. Morning seder focuses on iyun skills which include textual sensitivity and analytical proficiency. Our methodology develops a student’s ability to notice textual nuances and identify central conceptual issues and use both to appreciate each sugya. Students are enabled to the point where they can prepare and present a sugya. Chaburot like this are presented by each student.


 We offer an array of shiurim that not only cover large portions of Tanach, but also teach the skills necessary to appreciate it. This allows students to learn Tanach in a meaningful way after yeshiva.

  • Tanach Personalities Rav Jesse Horn
  • Parshat HaShavua Rav David Milston
  • Sifrei Shivat Tzion Rav Shmuel Herschler
  • Kohelet/ Hashkafa 101 Rav Reuven Taragin
  • Nevi’im Rishonim Rav Ari Heller
  • Parsha K’Pshuto Rav Reuven Taragin


In addition to a daily halacha seder, we offer a number of shiurim in pertinent areas of halacha. In-depth topics include: Hilchot Shabbat, Kashrut, Berachot and “Halacha in the Workplace”.

  • Hilchot Shabbat Rav Jesse Horn
  • 5,000 Years Of Torah History Rav Dovi Fischer
  • Highlights Of Rambam Sefer Mada Rav Tzvi Goldstein
  • Hilchot Shabbat Rav Jesse Horn
  • Meaningful Mitzvot: Sefer HaChinuch Rav Tzvi Goldstein

Jewish Philosophy

We offer a two pronged program of Jewish Philosophy shiurim that focus both on topics and on the philosophies of individuals like Rav Sa’adya Gaon, Rav Yehuda Halevi, the Rambam, Rav Chayyim Volozhin, the Ba’al HaTanya, Rav Nachman of Breslov, Rav Kook, and Rav Soloveitchik.

  • The Yeshiva Experience: Alei Shur Rav Tzvi Goldstein
  • Biur HaTefila R’ AZ Thau
  • Methods Of Midrash Rav Yaakov Trachtman
  • Tefila Insights & Training Rav Ari Cutler
  • Contemporary Jewish Values Rav Shmuel Herschler
  • Modern Jewish Philosophy Rav Jason Knapel
  • Kuzari Rav Chaim Kanterovitz
  • Philosophy Of Rav Soloveitchik Dr. Carl Hochhauser


In addition to mussar seder, students enjoy small chaburot that study particular mussar classics with rebbeim. We also offer a number of sichot mussar on a weekly basis.
  • Weekly Sicha "Binyana Shel Torah" Rosh Yeshiva, Shlita
  • Weekly Sicha Harav Nevenzahl, Shlita
  • Meaningful Mitzvot: Sefer HaChinuch Rav Tzvi Goldstein
  • Learning About Our Gedolim Rav Hanoch Teller
  • Messilat Yesharim Rav David Milston