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The Hakotel-Mizrachi Mechanchim Program

Yeshivat Hakotel has joined with World Mizrachi and has taken on the important responsibility of training and preparing the participants for experiences and  careers in Shlichut and the rabbinic world. The Mechanchim program, led by Hakotel’s Rabbi Jesse Horn and Rabbi Efroni Schlesinger. 

In addition to the participants learning how toprepare Drashot and Shiurim, they all take critically important classes in Jewish philosophy, guidance and counseling.

The program has been blessed to have had the opportunity to learn fromby many experts in the field over the past three years including Rabbi Michael Rosenzweig of RIETS, Rabbi David Aaron of Orayta, and Hakotel’s own Rabbi Reuven Taragin.

Our greatest pride is watching six of our graduates enter the field of Jewish Education both in Israel and abroad including:


Rabbi Shlomo Ashkenazy, Aish Hatorah
Rabbi Josh Bosboom, Midreshet Eshel
Rabbi AZ Thau, Yeshivat Hakotel and Yeshivat TVA
Rabbi Efroni Schlesinger, Yeshivat Hakotel
Rabbi Ben Baruch, Yeshivat Hakotel
Ariel Lewis, Yeshiva of Cape Town
Kobi Greenfield, Kol Tzofayich